- lecture:Immune response to human cancer and development of immunotherapy2007-11-01
- lecture:Regulatory T cells in Transplantation Tolerance Induction―New concept for allograft acceptance2007-11-01
- 学术报告:北京论坛(2007)2007-10-30
- 学术报告: 纳米材料安全性评价2007-10-29
- lecture:Nonhuman Primate Models for Cardiovascular Research2007-10-29
- 学术报告:医学SCI论文撰写与投稿2007-10-28
- 学术报告:北京大学医学部95周年庆典学术报告2007-10-22
- 学术报告:骨关节炎与软骨再生2007-10-19
- 学术报告:北京生命科学研究所近期学术报告2007-10-18
- lecture:Molecular basis of social relationships2007-10-17
- 学术报告:心肌重塑的分子机制2007-10-16
- lecture:Mechanism of Radiation Carcinogenesis: From BigH3, COX-2 and Beyond2007-10-16
- 学术报告:北京大学医学部-荷兰Groningen大学医学中心生命科学联合学术报告会2007-10-14
- lecture:Noncoding sequence, noncoding gene and noncoding RNA2007-10-11
- 学术报告:医学研究中的数据统计分析2007-10-08
- Lecture:Standards and regulations of Animal experiments2007-10-05
- 学术报告:结直肠癌― 诊断与治疗现状2007-09-25
- Lecture:Functional role of Cypher in the heart2007-09-24
- Lecture:Pre-mRNA splicing and Neurodegeneration2007-09-21
- Lecture:Growth factor signaling pathways that regulate myocardial development and coronary vasculogenesis2007-09-17