







韩芳教授团队开展发作性睡病研究20年,建立了国际上最大的睡病资源库。发现发作性睡病的发病本身存在季节性,在春末夏初之际是高发期,但冬天为低谷。在2009H1N1甲流暴发后,发作性睡病增加了3倍以上,且患者多在甲流流行的57个月后发病。这项研究揭示了发作性睡病的免疫基础,有助于世界卫生组织有关H1N1甲型流感与发作性睡病关系的调查,为民众解除对H1N1疫苗接种的担忧。研究结果发表在Annals of Neurology上引用超过300次。陆林院士团队研究发现在慢波睡眠下进行伤害性记忆相关线索的暴露,可以显著降低受试者清醒后的恐惧反应,从而消除痛苦的记忆。该研究突破了传统治疗手段的瓶颈,使得无创伤、无痛苦的操作方法治疗创伤后应激障碍等心理问题和精神疾病成为可能。








Sleep Medicine Center, Peking University Health Science Center

There is a long history of sleep research in Peking University Health Science Center Sleep Medicine Center.  Peking University People’s Hospital set up the first sleep lab in 1989. Through the effort by sleep researchers in the Health Science Center, after five multiple disciplinary sleep workshops, Peking University Health Science Center was established in 2013. Members are from the Pharmacology Collage, and different Departments of the six clinical hospitals, such as the Dental School and Psychiatric Hospital.

Sleep Medicine Center, Peking University Health Science Center will dedicate to integrate all resources of the university to carry out sleep medicine education and training program, scientific research and medical services. The Center will take advantage of interdisciplinary to build up a platform for talent training, and also focus on clinical sleep medicine, scientific research and technical personnel training. Meanwhile, using the resources from different institutions in Peking University, as well as that from international groups, especially the Division of Sleep Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.  Currently, the research topics that have been covered by the Center include:  (1) the construction of a remote telemedicine system for sleep disorders; (2) genetic studies on sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, building up the animal models related sleep including Drosophila and mice; (3) clinical and basic researches on sleep problems associated with insomnia, anxiety and depression; (4) analysis and utilization of sleep biological signals; (5) sleep, cognitive and psychological changes in the function and related brain imaging studies; (6) the central control mechanisms of sleep and breathing disorders; (7) sleep and drug development; (8) sleep apnea and comobidities.

 The research teams include both clinicians and basic researchers, from different medical disciplines, such as internal medicine, dental medicine, neurology, psychiatry, ENT, traditional Chinese medicine, biology, pharmacology, bioengineering and communication. They are from the Peking University Medical Sciences Center and different affiliated hospitals, School of Life Sciences, College of Engineering, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Institute of Computer Science & Technology, Big Data Science Research Center.  The Center has also developed close international cooperation with the Division of Sleep Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, and set up the joint sleep center, the PKU-UPenn Center of Sleep Medicine in PKU International Hospital, which is one of the few independent Division of Sleep Medicine in China. 

The research work in Peking University Sleep Research Center is very well recognized nationally and internationally. Currently, Professor Fang Han serves as the President of Chinese Sleep Research Society, and the President elected of Asian Society of Sleep Medicine. Peking University also leads "973" project in sleep research. The set up of the Center will help Peking University play a leading role in promoting sleep research and sleep medicine in China.

Dr. Han’s group study on narcolepsy for more than 20 years. They found out the occurrence of narcolepsy onset was seasonal, significantly influenced by month and calendar year. Onset was least frequent in November and most frequent in April, with a 6.7-fold increase from trough to peak. Studying year-to-year variation, a 3-fold increase in narcolepsy onset following the 2009 H1N1 winter influenza pandemic was revealed. The increase is unlikely to be explained by increased vaccination, as only 8 of 142 (5.6%) patients recalled receiving an H1N1 vaccination. Cross-correlation indicated a significant 5- to 7-month delay between the seasonal peak in influenza/cold or H1N1 infections and peak in narcolepsy onset occurrences. The data indicated that narcolepsy is an immunological disorder triggered by virus infection, especially H1N1 virus infection (Han, et al. 2011).  The study by Dr. Lu’s team (He, et al. 2015).demonstrated that conditioned stimulus re-exposure during SWS promoted fear memory extinction without altering sleep profiles, which open up entirely new perspectives on the treatment of psychiatric and behavioral disorders that originate from maladaptive memories


Director: Dr. Fang Han

Contact: Dr. Fang Han

Email: hanfang1@hotmail.com

TEL: 88324206

Address: The Sleep Center, Peking University, People’s Hospital, No. 11, Xizhimen Nandajie, Xicheng District, Beijing